
Welcome to the NCF Youth ministry where we are working together to ‘Make Jesus Too Big to Ignore!’

CUBS (0-4 Years)

Favourite things

On a piece of paper, write or draw what your favourite things are e.g. toys, books, a pet, food etc. Afterwards talk about why you like them. If you could only choose one thing, which would it be?

Would you rather?

With your child sat down, bring out two things – one in each hand – for them to choose. Ask them to say which thing they would prefer. Do this with 3 or 4 things. E.g. Would you prefer a loaf of bread or a cake? Would you prefer a rabbit toy or a dog toy? Would you prefer to drink water or juice?

What must I do?

We all have to make choices a lot of the time! Watch the story (Luke 18:18-25) of a rich man who had a tough choice – follow Jesus, or keep all of his possessions. Ask your child what they think the man chose?

The man went home looking very sad. He didn’t want to sell his things, but he wanted to know God better. We don’t know what he did – he might have kept his things and been sad all his life, or he might have given them away and followed Jesus.

Finish by saying that Jesus wants be our best friend – he wants to be more important to us than anything else that we have. Say a short prayer together: “Lord, help us to love you more than anything else. Amen.”

Leopards (5-11 Years)

GRACE: Undeserved Favour

In the Bible and at church, we hear about ‘the grace of God’ and ‘the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ’ a lot, but what does it mean?

Have a go at writing what you think it means. Keep your ideas as you’re going to reflect upon them at the end.

Amazing Grace

Think of five different ways you feel blessed. We all have ideas about why we are so blessed. What are your ideas?

We are going to read from the Bible, to see if we can find out when it was that God first started blessing people, and what they did to deserve it. Read Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

When did God first begin to bless you? What had you done to deserve that? Does your work come first, or God’s blessing towards you?

Harvest of grace

Because God loves and blesses us, even when we least deserve it, we can have no fear for the future. Isn’t it great to know that we don’t have to rely on getting everything right ourselves? In a moment of quiet, we listen to a song and/or pray about how we treat others.

Lions (12-19 Years)

We were made holy

In the beginning we were once holy as God made us in his own image! We watch a short video clip of Adam and Eve, and consider that we were made to be holy too, just like our creator! However Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s only instruction…and because of this the battle against our sin and flesh began.

Where’s Wally?

Being Holy means to be ‘set apart from’. On a piece of paper make a list of different ways you can live to be ‘set apart from everyone else’ maybe at school or college; How can you live holy? e.g. choose not to use bad language…

Holy Moly

Take a long look at the image above. What do you think it represents? And how do you think it links to holiness?
Find and read Philippians 2:15.
How does the passage relate to the image? What do you think is the difference between the ‘set apart’ figure and those under the cloud?
Do you think it is easy for the ‘set apart’ figure to be different?
Why do you think he remains different from the group?
How should Christians be different from the people around them?
What are the difficulties of this? What are the rewards?

Get in touch

Let us know if you’re coming, joining one of our events, want prayer or just a chat. We’re here for you!