Our Vision

Make jesus too big to ignore

Our Mission

To be a community of people committed to Jesus as Lord, who love God, love people and make disciples of all nations

At NCF, We want:

To be united

As an inclusive and close all-age community committed to following Jesus Christ, whose members love God and each other deeply, protect, support and promote each other, work well together, and love and serve those around us.

To Transform

To transform our local and wider communities in Luton by sharing God’s love and our gifts and talents with them, and putting our faith into action by serving them, working to change and improve lives, and helping in the name of Jesus.

To Nurture

To train, equip, and release Christians of all ages to walk closely with Christ in the freedom he offers, love him deeply, trust him readily, and become mature disciples of his.

To Make jesus known

To others, to make new disciples, heal physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to set people free from issues in their past and from the bondage of sin.

To be constantly full

To be full of the Holy Spirit, showing the character of Christ, spending quality time with him in prayer and bible study, and being involved in his work of ministry and mission in the church and outside.

To support

To support those who minister outside our locality, in meeting those on the edge, in showing them God’s love, and in seeking to introduce them to Jesus, by having appropriate mission partners overseas and in the UK.

At NCF We believe:

  1. There is one God, who exists in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  2. We need to let the Holy Spirit fill us constantly; he guides, equips us and gives us gifts to enable us to live in unity and to work for his kingdom on earth.

  3. God restores, heals, forgives, transforms and adopts us into his family and kingdom when we turn to him and follow Jesus as Lord.

  4. We hear God through the bible [his inspired word to us], prophecy and prayer.

  5. We should be working for the extension of Jesus’ kingdom in Luton by spreading love and forgiveness and by introducing others to Christ.

  6. We must strive to be a united and loving community.

  7. Jesus announced the arrival of God’s kingdom, died on the cross to destroy the power of sin, rose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven and will return in glory.


Get in touch

07859 205846

45 Crescent Rd, Luton LU2 0AH